
Laminar Flow Cabinet | Horizontal Flow (HLF)

Ventilated Chemical Storage Shelving | Carbon Filtered

Temperature and Humidity Cabinets – Controlled Environment

Laminar Flow Cabinet – Vertical

UV PCR Workstation

UV Sterilisation Cabinet

Fume Extraction and LEV Dust

Safety Cabinet | Mini II MSC

Powder Weighing Stations | Excel Plus Safechange

Ductless Fume Cabinet | Chemcap Easyglide

Sample Preparation Workstation – Optiflow

Ductless Fume Cabinet – Chemcap Pro2

Ductless Fume Cabinet | Chemcap Clearview

Weighing Station | F3-XIT

Powder Weighing Stations | XIT Plus

Powder Weighing Stations | Excel Plus

Controlled Atmosphere Storage Systems

Downflow Tables

Chemical Dispensing Station

Asbestos Inspection Cabinet