
Carbon filtration

Chemcap™ filters are used in all Bigneat cabinets and provide a filtration efficiency of 99.9% for the duration of the filter life, with no deterioration in filter performance. Chemcap™ filters have been developed following years of research and are manufactured to maximise both the chemical adsorption and physical absorption characteristics of carbon to achieve this high level of filtration performance.

Bigneat is a leader in carbon filtration technology

High performance laboratory grade carbon filter media is impregnated with additives to ensure the best possible retention capacities and filtration performance. Bigneat was one of the first companies to replace potentially toxic and carcinogenic inorganic additives with environmentally friendly and biodegradable compounds whilst maintaining excellent performance.

Bigneat’s carbon media have excellent retention capacities which are amongst the best in the world. Our programme of research and development continues to improve filter performance.

  • Excellent filter casing design
  • Only the highest grade of carbon is used, sourced carefully and monitored for changes in its grade
  • Good cabinet design ensures an even airflow through the filter

Particulate HEPA filtration

Pre-filtration eliminates particles at 5.0 microns or larger to an efficiency of 92% as defined in BS EN ISO 779.

HEPA filtration (H14 Standard) eliminates particles 0.3 microns or larger to an efficiency of 99.995%.

ULPA (U16 Standard) is available as an optional upgrade and has an efficiency of 99.999% for particle sizes of 0.1 – 0.3 microns MPPS (Most Penetrating Particle Size) as defined in EN 1822.

Choosing your optimised Chemcap™ filtration with or without particulate filtration.

Further Information

Filters OS and H+ are suitable for most organic vapours and acid handlings.Composition of vapours handledFilter type 2-stage woithout particulatesFilter Type 3-stage for chemicals with particulates (HEPA)
Organic Compounds predominateORGANIC VAPOURS secondary acidsFilter OSFilter OS HP +
Acid compounds predominateACID VAPOURS secondary organic vapoursFilter H+Filter H+ HP
Formaldehyde predominatesFORMALDEHYDEFilter FFilter F HP
Ammonia predominatesAMMONIAFilter AMFilter AM HP
Radioactive particles are presentRADIOACTIVE IODINE--Filter Ri HP
Mercury is presentMERCURY--Filter Hg HP
Uses are variedMULTIPURPOSEFilter MPFilter MP HP

Free Risk Assessment Service.

What are your risks? Please contact us for a free assessment and our chemist will undertake a risk analysis and suggest the best filter for your purposes.