Visit of George Hollingbery, MP for Meon Valley, to Bigneat Ltd in Waterlooville.

Bigneat is a world-class manufacturer of laboratory safety cabinets and supplies companies and organisations across the world. The enclosures they manufacture utilise high performance filtration coupled with sophisticated designs of air flows to provide contamination control and user safety in scientific laboratories.

Bigneat’s customers range from universities, government research laboratories to commercial research.

Winning the Queen’s Award for International Trade

Bigneat was awarded a 2017 Queen’s Award for International Trade in recognition of its outstanding short-term growth in overseas sales over the past three years.

The award followed a determined period of business development including setting up of a new subsidiary, Bigneat North America LLC, in the USA.

A Queen’s Award is renowned as being the ultimate award for a UK-based company and Bigneat soon attracted the attention of George Hollingbery, MP for Meon Valley and Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Prime Ministers Cameron and May, who in early September visited Bigneat’s factory and head office in Waterlooville.

Hollingbery, who prior to politics was an entrepreneur specialising in start-up businesses, is very supportive of companies in his role as an MP. He was given an insightful tour of the design offices and factory floor and he was shown examples from Bigneat’s range; chemical fume hoods, laminar flow cabinets and a robotics enclosure all in production.

During the visit Hollingbery was keen to find out what the award means for Bigneat.

Bigneat’s managing director, Robert Monks, explained that he enjoyed telling the company employees and that everyone could see that the award is a fantastic achievement and recognises their hard work and creativity. “We are delighted to win this award, it raised our company’s profile and it’s instilled a sense of pride and confidence in our employees.”

Not only has the award increased staff moral but it has also noticeably generated great publicity for the company, from social media to emails of congratulations. The emblem is being used within marketing materials adding value to our industry reputation for manufacturing quality products.

Hollingbery commented about his visit, “It was a pleasure to visit Bigneat and tour the premises, meet staff and managers and talk about the economic climate. It’s a tremendous accolade the company has received for exporting its products and contributing to the UK economy and I congratulate them.

“To have such an award-winning company here in Waterlooville is a matter of great pride for me as the local MP and for residents too. Bigneat is just the sort of enterprising and innovative business we must do all we can to nurture and help as we move towards being a major global trading country in the years to come.”

This award strengthens Bigneat’s credentials within the international market and helps promote UK strengths in the specialist scientific market-place.