Bigneat is awarded the Queen’s Award by the Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire.

On 17th October, Nigel Atkinson, Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire presented Bigneat Ltd with the Queen’s Award for Enterprise at their factory and head office in Waterlooville.

The Queen’s Award for International Trade has been awarded to Bigneat in recognition of its outstanding short-term growth in overseas sales of 163% over the past three years.

The Lord-Lieutenant carries out duties in the County on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen such as the presentation of decorations and the Queen’s Awards for Enterprise.

The Lord-Lieutenant was able to meet the company’s employees who made winning the Queen’s Award possible and he was shown around the offices, the engineering design suite and production area where the manufacture of safety cabinets, hoods and enclosures takes place.

Bigneat equipment is used for protection in laboratories undertaking research, experimentation and measurements in biology, chemistry, drug discovery, education, electronics, food, medical, nanotechnology, pharmaceuticals and includes the Chemcap Clearview range of Chemical Safety Cabinets and Powder Weighing Safety hoods.


Robert Monks, managing director explained that everyone could see that the award is a fantastic achievement and recognises their hard work and creativity. “We are delighted to win this award, it raised our company’s profile and it’s instilled a sense of pride and confidence in our employees.”

The award strengthens Bigneat’s credentials within the international market and helps potential users of Bigneat equipment around the world to appreciate the experience and success of the company.